W. W. Wheeler & Associates, Inc. has an extensive portfolio of water conveyance systems. Projects include pipelines, canal/open channel systems, pump stations and hydraulic structures such as energy dissipaters, intake systems, penstocks for hydropower generation for industrial, agricultural, and municipal uses. State-of-the-art computer models and GIS databases are used to perform hydrology and hydraulic engineering analyses. Water hammer analyses are conducted for penstocks and hydraulic modeling of water distribution systems and transmission pipelines. W. W. Wheeler engineers also utilize cutting-edge water balance models for open pit or underground mining applications.

- Pipelines and Penstocks
- Pump Stations
- Open Channels
- Diversion Structures
- Floodplain Mapping
- Tailing Delivery
- Instrumentation and Monitoring
- Valves and Gates

- Use of hydrologic and hydraulic models including HEC-1, HEC-RAS, HEC-HMS, HEC-6, SWMM, CUHP, TR55, SITES, and FLO-2D
- Hydraulic transient evaluations using the Pipe2010 model
- Pipe network modeling using WATERCAD
- Water balance models for open pit or underground mining applications
- Various slope stability models