Managing, sustaining, and preserving water supplies in our evolving world among the challenges associated with changing climate, economic realities, and government regulations demands professionals who understand these issues. W. W. Wheeler & Associates, Inc. practices on the cutting edge of these of water resources challenges. Our services help our clients plan for sustainable future water supplies, evaluate existing water resources, and provide defensible water rights evaluations, a key to the administration of the prior appropriation doctrine used throughout the arid western United States.
- Water Rights Studies
- Water Supply Planning
- Water Rights Valuation
- Augmentation Plans
- Expert Witness Testimony
- Water Conservation Planning
- Surface Water Hydrology
- Groundwater
- Well Permitting
In-house Computer Simulations
- Development and use of specialized computer models for water resources projects
- River routing and river operation models
- Stream depletion analysis using Glover techniques
- Development of programs for water rights accounting and streamflow evaluations
- Consumptive use analyses